

女性对 Tumblr, Otto和Groupon网站的使用集中度高

2012年5月,欧洲年龄在15岁及以上的女性达1.915亿,占欧洲网民的48.4%和网络使用时长的46.0%。在欧洲前100个网站中,Tumblr网站的使用时长中女性占比最高,为69%。德国零售网站Otto Gruppe以68.8%的女性使用份额排名第二,团购网站Groupon为61.7%,在第三位。但欧洲女性使用总时长最高的网站是,这主要是因为这个网站包括电子邮件服务,以及欧洲的第二大社交网站Odnoklassniki.

Top 10 Sites* for Females by Percent Share of Total Time Spent
May 2012
Total Europe: Females Aged 15+ (Home & Work Locations)
Source: comScore MMX
% Share of Total Time Spent Total Minutes (MM) Average Minutes per Visitor
Total Internet : Females Aged 15+ 46.9% 308,096 1,608.8 69.0% 606 71.1
Otto Gruppe 68.8% 433 22.8
Groupon 61.7% 137 9.4 Group 61.1% 16,686 398.8
Groupe PPR 60.8% 195 13.7
Spil Games 60.2% 768 48.8
Ikea 57.5% 123 13.0
RTL Group Sites 57.4% 383 25.3
Iliad – Sites 55.6% 251 22.7
Groupe Lagardere 55.3% 177 14.6

*Among the top 100 online properties


Top 10 Categories for Females by Percent Share of Total Time Spent
May 2012
Total Europe: Females Aged 15+ (Home & Work Locations)
Source: comScore MMX
% Share of Time Spent Total Minutes (MM) Average Minutes per Visitor
Retail: Fragrances/Cosmetics 70.9% 256 13.5
Community: Beauty/Fashion/Style 67.9% 511 10.4
Retail: Apparel 66.8% 2,030 30.6
Retail: Department Stores 64.9% 208 14.3
Community: Pets 64.4% 94 8.8
Services: e-cards 64.0% 68 5.5
Health: Information 63.6% 604 11.5
Community: Food 62.2% 424 8.8
Retail: Food 61.2% 315 15.6
Retail: Mall 61.0% 203 13.5



Overview of European Internet Usage by Country Ranked by Total Unique Visitors (000)
May 2012
Total European Internet Audience, Age 15+, Home and Work Locations
Source: comScore MMX
Total Unique Visitors (000) Average Hours per Visitor Average Pages per Visitor
Worldwide 1,484,382 24.5 2,388
Europe 395,693 27.6 2,920
Russian Federation 57,856 25.5 2,737
Germany 51,714 25.2 2,889
France 43,212 28.9 2,872
United Kingdom 37,640 39.1 3,637
Italy 28,564 18.1 1,857
Turkey 23,710 30.7 3,674
Spain 21,775 26.3 2,315
Poland 18,451 29.3 3,308
Netherlands 12,006 33.1 3,247
Sweden 6,305 24.7 2,497
Belgium 6,199 22.8 2,392
Switzerland 4,951 18.9 1,970
Austria 4,842 15.0 1,621
Portugal 4,460 21.2 2,221
Denmark 3,719 22.0 2,341
Finland 3,428 27.8 3,028
Norway 3,310 29.0 2,767
Ireland 2,412 21.1 2,078

